Wednesday, February 25, 2009

EAT the right things by Basil Harris

Dear Winners,

Congratulations for 1st timer to had made great decision and I believe no one regret coming to WLS!!

For those who recognized on stage on your achievements...Congratulations and Well Done! You deserve it and keep moving for more achievements and recognitions.

What have you learnt from WLS? From our guest speaker Diamond Direct Basil Harris who been free for more than 20 years..and has biz in 23 countries?

Have you made REAL DECISION to take simple step to move on?

Have you decided to follow his advice to do EAT ( Educate, Activity and building a Team) He said if we want FREEDOM ..1st educate ourselves,2nd do some activities go CORE and lastly build Teamwork and be great team player.

Diamond Mats Homburg - is great motivator and teacher..full of logical sense of humor..

95% people quit because of 5 out..avoid those 5 reasons ok.( Never use product, do their own market research, never listen to CD,never read book about people and never get people to major Function)

Now we are out of OVEN... who are READY ???

For Ladies who qualified for Art to Heart- Our Pretty in Pink is such a memorable experienced...YOU MUST NOT MISS IT NEXT ONE "MAY FUN"!!!
Check with your mentor !!

Congrats to DTM WINNERS!! NOW the Trophy is in Kuching...are we going to let it travel back to KL? Of course who is going to hold it?? Which team..Kuching, Miri , Serian or our KL team???You decide ok...

We just can share 1% of whole 3 days Seminar ...Why not make your REAL DECISION to join us at MAY WLS?


-- Norihah

Lot 167 Lrg Hj Babel, Jln Semariang
Petra Jaya
93050 Kuching Sarawak
tel +6082339443; fax +6082339440
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Skype ID:norihahadenan

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