Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Dream is Everything

This Weekend, the thing I wanna talk about is the dream. How can I explain about the Dream? The Dream is the hold, the thing that keeps u going. The dream is your protection, your shield from anything that's not positive. And it's gotta be strong. And only YOU can determine how strong is your dream.

Friends, winners, leaders, how strong is your dream?

If you know what you want, what are you going to do about it? Hold on to your dream. Because I am holding onto mine.

There's a place I go
When I'm alone
Do anything that I want
Be anyone that I wanna be

Hold on your dreams, make it a reality. Believe in it. Have faith. Are you ready to write the story of your life?

Hold it close
Don't let it go
Dream catch me
Dream catch me when I fall

Find your dreams.

You create your universe as you go along

Dayang Iqliema Afdalia Aslansia
No 21, Taman Abrar
Jalan Semariang
93050 Kuching, Sarawak,
skypeID: iqliema
ym: iqliema

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