Monday, May 5, 2008

11th Nov 07 - my turning point = PETER COX

I said I would post up a blog about him, n here I am.

Although the ‘Cox-effects’ (as I called it) is beginning to wear off, the memory of him stays inside me. He’s the MOST extraordinary person I have ever met, yet (yet is coz I’m young n I still got a life ahead of me so its possible that I might meet someone like him again). I came to the LC seminar feeling a lil bit hopeless about this, n I came coz my mum paid for this. Or maybe I paid? But it doesn’t matter. The thing is I paid for the seminar, n if its paid I must c all the money’s worth. N its EVERY PENNY worth it. For the biz, maybe but for my part it’s ALL worth it to juz meet PETER COX.

Seriously. I’m a sanguine so I exaggerate a lot, but my secondary temperament is melancholy, so I’m like a bit quiet n v thoughtful n almost negative about the whole thing, coz I don’t c the point of going if I feel hopeless about it. But as I said, its all being paid, n for my part, its all juz worth it juz to meet someone like peter cox.

I donno how to describe him. He’s almost like larger than life, y’knoworimean? Seriously, he’s juz someone I juz want to watch n observe n observe n listen n still I don get tired of observing him. He’s weird. He’s intriguing. He’s someone u wonder if he really feels the same way as he displays his emotions n thru wat he said. He’s juz like too good to be true. He’s very ambitious. He’s very determined. I can c he’s a sanguine too, but the other? He’s probably choleric. He's got d precise definition of a true choleric. His sanguine gave him an aura, aura dat everybody likes. N like, u can trust him. He’s like a politician. U juz got to trust him. N the thing is he knows he doesn’t need to get ppl to trust him; ppl juz automatically trusts him. Getworimean? I donno wat to say about him. he scares me n yet I want to meet him n talk to him. its juz stupid. I mean, like, hello? He’s a human being too.

Anyway, it was really unexpected when I finally get to meet him face to face. It was really lucky too, coz I’m early, wif few other cross lines in an elevator, n then it opened, n then its him! I calmed myself down enuff to pick up my courage to ask for a photo. N he looked at me wif the SAME expression he gave me when he signed in my journal last night on stage (wif dozens of ppl mind u): its an expression dat challenges ur individuality. I donno, maybe its like he’s trying to search within u, n try to c wat u r really deep inside, n c whether if it matches wat he thought of me. He’s looking in my eyes, n I’m almost scared but I looked on. Of course y would he spend time trying to figure out me coz he's so famous n everyone wants a piece of him n everything, so he looked away 1st. but even though for a briefest of a second, its really something no stranger has ever given me before. He’s so weird! N so out of this world. Ok, so out of my 22 years old world anyway. I mean, not dat I meet lots of ppl like him, perhaps if I travel more I wouldn’t be surprise but he’s really one of a kind.

In a way, I would want to meet him n get to know him again. Perhaps one day when I finally become successful in my life n luv life, I’ll get on wif my biz n achieve a desirable passive income, we’ll meet again. Its ambitious, I know. But dats wat i learn dat from peter cox.

N wif great power comes responsibility.

R u responsible Iq? Think again.

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