Monday, May 5, 2008


i really need to learn how to visualize. i think i'm okay with verbalizing, i write stuff all the time, but to visualize is really not easy. ok maybe i can but do i heartfelt it? every true dream that u really really want it with all ur heart and desire, it'll bring tears to ur eyes. it consumed u up so much u felt like crying, its as if ur shaking with excitement, it something that u never felt before. and that's juz visualizing ur dream. to visualize it in every little point, every little thing that matters, it's amazing. how can it be when someone show u the plan, when u see the potential of achieving ur dreams, u have tears in ur eyes?! Tears during showing the plan! this is something i wanna do man. and peter, one day u'll know me. soon enuff. InsyaAllah.

1 comment:

greenergrass said...

affirm it! yeahh!! :)


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