Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Siberia is Nothing by Staffan Ohlson

Here's a snippet I got from Norihah, my power mentor in Kuching. It's always, always inspiring to listen to CEP and I lurrrrve Staffan Ohlson!!! He was my 1st Weekend, and 1st Weekend probably changed me life!!! I wonder if he's married already?? hehehe

Dear Winners,

I have listened to this CD by Diamond Staffan Ohlson and find it very inspiring, so I thought I shall share with all the winners fighting for their next goal. Summary as below. All the best in achieving your next goals!
1. Staffan ohlson had 12% leg 4, 9% leg 5 and 6% leg 6 in Oct and he went Diamond in July the next year by bringing up his leg 4 and leg 5 to 21% in Dec and leg 6 to 21% in Jan.

2. In the process he realised 4 key points.
a. If situation is tolerable, u wont change -> meaning if u feel comfortable with yr situation now, you will not work hard to change. Find a reason.
b. When u make a decision to move to next level, all good news will come to you -> the right persons went to him after he announced his goal to be a diamond.
c. You always have less time than u think -> Start work now!!! Hesitate no more, when it's too late to realise your goal cannot be achieved.
d. All obstacles are good news and will give u good results -> he got results after overcoming obstacles.
3. Your group is your mirror.
4. When his town is flooded (up to care roof height) and telecommunications broke down, he turned up to info nite and found all his 40-50 leaders are there. That is how they know if each others are still alive. This is the culture he inculcated in his team to be totally 100% committed as they take full ownership regardless of challenges.

Ai Fai (Kuching)

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