Monday, December 29, 2008

[Dia-Mon-mal] Final Call for Asia Pacific Cox - Go Silver Weekend 10 & 11 January 2009

Hi All LCs and above (and qualifying LCs),

Go Silver Weekend is only 3 weeks away…… It is a weekend that you are together with all the leaders only (there will be no prospects... ) to learn from the MASTERS of Networking….. FOUNDERS Crown Ambassadors, Peter AND Debbie Cox to GROW your business to greater heights!

PLUS………… we have special guest speakers lined up for you from

.... Northern Europe - Diamond Direct Mats Holmberg....

........PLUS ………

from India………..Emerald Direct Khushrow Patel

..... PLUS …….

Emeralds Direct Dr Rameshbabu ...

PLUS......more!!!!...... ...... It is soooo...... EXCITING!

I am sure you will be there as you want to learn from all these awesome International Leaders to be a more effective leader to your group and of course, as result, grow your business to .... Sillver, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond and beyond...... .....
If you have a goal to be at the Go Diamond Weekend in Bangkok with Founders Crown Ambassador, Jim Dornan, it's absolutely a MUST for you to attend this Go Silver Weekend to learn how to be ELC or even 21% by March 2008.

The more people in your Team qualify for this January 09 Go Silver Weekend, the closer you are to Silver 21%, Platinum, Emerald and beyond......

Who else in your group will be there? Who will you help to be LCs so that they can also be at Go Silver Weekend?

We have a great year 2008 with so many big pins recognition but believe me..... the new year 2009 is even MORE EXCITING …….
See you and your group at the Go Silver Weekend on 10 & 11 January 2009!

Simon Thompson & Diana Choo

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