Sunday, September 7, 2008

Snippet from Norihah

Dear winners,

Just to share with you an experience from one of my 16P downlines. He has great Diamond attitude. And great leaders say, attitude is everything! If you are in the zone, u gain incredible experiences, and all your effort and whatever you do will not be wasted, because these are part of the journey to success, as this is how you are polished into a Diamond. Which footsteps that take you to the top of Mount Everest? Not the last step, but all the steps from the first step to the last step. No steps are wasted.Norihah
Hi Leaders,

Today i've an incredible experiece for my QI. I suppose to meet up with my prospect, Robin who is from a referal contact today 10am at third mile area, kuching to pass him a copycat marketing book & do a short quality invite. When i met up with him, then i just get to know that he is a blind man working at a blind reflexology & massage shop and can't see me. I plan to lend him a book today but i didn't have any cd in my car with me to lend out to him as he can't read as i suppose to only do a QI. Therefore, this is my first time to do QI by only talk explaining the E/S/B/I quadrant of robert kiyosaki. That is an incredible experience as he keep on telling me i don't know whether im suitable for what you're doing because of my handicapped and he tell me his experience with other network marketing, and here i need to apply the knowledge we acquire from the recommended book that we read d! aily and handle him without hurting him and that's challenging, that make me really realize that frankly speaking everyone of us are very lucky to born without any handicapped and we can build our business in lot more easier ways if compared to people who is less unfortunate than us and sometimes we might come out with some excuse not to show the plan and etc. Im really lucky and learn a lot today. A QI experience which i never forget. Tomorrow i might meet up with him again and share with him nutrilite supplements and other household products which he might need because our product is good and can help him be healthier and add value to his life, hopefully he trust me.

Amazing experience today!

Best Regards,

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