Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What I've learnt by Amri

3 things i got from wls:

1) It's a numbers game. go through the numbers, success is predictable. (Matts Holnberg 1+1 was great)

2) A decision will not keep you going if it's not a REAL DECISION. -Basil Harris

3) A leader leads by example. If you want ppl to go LC, you do it 1st.


What I've learnt by Diyana

Dear Aunty Nor,
What i have learnt from the most recent WLS is
1. The importance of doing the right things. Even if it is inconvenient, just know that doing the right thing really pays. Especially, the prize will come later when you really need it. just be patient and just do the right thing for the future.

2. The probability. The numbers game. 95% quit because they dont use d product, dont listen to cd,dont read books,dont attend functions and do 3 market people research.

-in 200names, only will get 100 appointments. and in the 100, 20 will join. And what do i need to do is to put my energy at these 20 ppl, not waste my energy at those 80 ppl and try to convince them to join. WASTING YOUR TIME!!! out of 20, only 3 ppl will really BUILD the business. be persistent!

3.Its better to open more legs to get 4500pv. 4legs is better than only 2 legs. so, open more legs and learn to manage them.

4. I like Art to heart session and i really want to urge all my girlfriends in the team to aim to art to heart. As we can share our experience and we can lift our spirit up during the session.

I am ELC april 27th 2009. i have a heartfelt burning desire to go ELC in April 27th 2009 because I am good in duplicating core leaders in my team. I am good at getting appointments and STP. People in my group respect me and duplicate the correct things in the business and I am very good at plugging the people in the system. I am organized and can organize my team gracefully. I Counsel with uplines often and that will really kepp me on track always.

dream big and we achieve it!

Nur Diyana Tajal Arus
K-UG-01, D'Rimba Damansara,
Jalan Kenyalang11/14, Seksyen 11, PJU 5, 47810,
Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya Selangor

Exclusively for Cox-Thompson LOS

Dear all dedicated leaders!!!

Hopefully everyone of us have fired up after attending WLS (for those who attended, Im for sure) :)

Would you like to grow your business fast and duplicate the correct things so that your team will duplicate the right thing from you?

To grow N21 business fast, we really need to know updates on each and every functions, no matter where we are. Be it in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Terengganu, Selangor and even Australia.
This is one of the first step a networker in Network21 should do after deciding to be a builder or a connector.

How can you get all the updates and information of the functions?
So, here it is!! To get the latest updates on functions (smart $, infonite,BBS,WLS,etc) ;
please send a blank email to :
This is to ensure that all of you will get updates on the events and important functions for us to drive the business fast.
Just a blank email, alrite! Have a great day!
Go CORE and be a team player :)
cc LOS
dream big and we achieve it!

Nur Diyana Tajal Arus
K-UG-01, D'Rimba Damansara,
Jalan Kenyalang11/14, Seksyen 11, PJU 5,
47810, Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya Selangor

How to subscribe to Simon Thompson LOS mailing list

Send a BLANK e-Mail message from your PREFERRED e-Mail account to:

This message needs to be sent from your preferred email address. Don't send it from your office, unless your office address is private, because the messages will automatically be sent to your office. It's best to have a personal email address and send it from that address. Notice you don't have to enter your email address at all, just send the message from your correct

email address.

You will receive a return e-Mail. Just follow the instructions to simply hit the reply button on your e-Mail program and you will automatically be registered with the service.


1. If you have already registered with the yahoogroups list, you should already be receiving messages from us. If you have not received any new messages in the last week, try to re-register with the List again.

2. When you subscribe to the e-Mail, please do not send mail to because it will bounce back to you. The correct e-Mail address is

Note the dash subscribe (not underscore) and notice the

3. If you have any problems, contact your sponsor or upline first. Please don't call me, or my office ! Thank you !!

Simon Thompson LOS

EAT the right things by Basil Harris

Dear Winners,

Congratulations for 1st timer to had made great decision and I believe no one regret coming to WLS!!

For those who recognized on stage on your achievements...Congratulations and Well Done! You deserve it and keep moving for more achievements and recognitions.

What have you learnt from WLS? From our guest speaker Diamond Direct Basil Harris who been free for more than 20 years..and has biz in 23 countries?

Have you made REAL DECISION to take simple step to move on?

Have you decided to follow his advice to do EAT ( Educate, Activity and building a Team) He said if we want FREEDOM ..1st educate ourselves,2nd do some activities go CORE and lastly build Teamwork and be great team player.

Diamond Mats Homburg - is great motivator and teacher..full of logical sense of humor..

95% people quit because of 5 out..avoid those 5 reasons ok.( Never use product, do their own market research, never listen to CD,never read book about people and never get people to major Function)

Now we are out of OVEN... who are READY ???

For Ladies who qualified for Art to Heart- Our Pretty in Pink is such a memorable experienced...YOU MUST NOT MISS IT NEXT ONE "MAY FUN"!!!
Check with your mentor !!

Congrats to DTM WINNERS!! NOW the Trophy is in Kuching...are we going to let it travel back to KL? Of course who is going to hold it?? Which team..Kuching, Miri , Serian or our KL team???You decide ok...

We just can share 1% of whole 3 days Seminar ...Why not make your REAL DECISION to join us at MAY WLS?


-- Norihah

Lot 167 Lrg Hj Babel, Jln Semariang
Petra Jaya
93050 Kuching Sarawak
tel +6082339443; fax +6082339440
mobile+60168862207( malaysia)
mobile+60198193191( malaysia)

Skype ID:norihahadenan


we are very proud to recognise.....




as NEW




Norihah Adenan & LOS

The Dream is Everything

This Weekend, the thing I wanna talk about is the dream. How can I explain about the Dream? The Dream is the hold, the thing that keeps u going. The dream is your protection, your shield from anything that's not positive. And it's gotta be strong. And only YOU can determine how strong is your dream.

Friends, winners, leaders, how strong is your dream?

If you know what you want, what are you going to do about it? Hold on to your dream. Because I am holding onto mine.

There's a place I go
When I'm alone
Do anything that I want
Be anyone that I wanna be

Hold on your dreams, make it a reality. Believe in it. Have faith. Are you ready to write the story of your life?

Hold it close
Don't let it go
Dream catch me
Dream catch me when I fall

Find your dreams.

You create your universe as you go along

Dayang Iqliema Afdalia Aslansia
No 21, Taman Abrar
Jalan Semariang
93050 Kuching, Sarawak,
skypeID: iqliema
ym: iqliema

Thursday, February 12, 2009




20 – 22 February 2009

Guest Speakers

Basil Harris (Diamond Direct, Australia & South Africa)

Former South Africans Basil & Leonie Harris started their Amway business in June 1981 shortly after arriving in Australia. After going Diamond in 1986 (5 years) they purchased the remnants of John & Gill Nuyten's business (along with Crown Ambassadors Jim & Nancy Dornan). They live in New South Wales, Australia. In 2005 they qualified as Diamonds in South Africa. The following year their son Kevin and his wife Tamsine-Lee also qualified as Diamonds in South Africa.

Success Story (South Africa)

Lifestyle is Everything

"The greatest good we can do for others is not to share our riches with them, but to reveal theirs to them."

Basil and Leonie Harris have a special lifestyle travelling the world, extending one of the greatest business opportunities to people in every walk of life and winning hearts and minds, globally. One is lucky to get an hour of Basil Harris' time. A popular and busy man, he also isn't very media friendly and prefers to spend time with family and friends making sure that everyone else is coping and creating a successful business and lifestyle for themselves.

As South Africans in Australia and 'Australians' in South Africa, Basil and Leonie are at home anywhere in the world, that is when they are together, when apart from each other, globe trotting loses most of its charm. Less charming even is being away from the light of their lives, 9-month old Macklin, the Harris' first grandchild. And the only time that they might lose their zest for life is when they are far away from their children, Kevin and Tamsine, (Diamonds in the making) and Joanne and Ole, mother and father of Macklin. Daughter Joanne loves spoiling her first born and she is getting serious competition from the grandparents: Leonie's beloved shopping sprees now mostly include international baby fashion outlets!

Basil and Leonie are living their dream. After they moved to Sydney in the early 80's, they held on to the dream of bringing the business back to South Africa, and this vision became the wind beneath their wings, as they grew businesses from London to Sydney, from Singapore to New York, and throughout Australia and South Africa. Leonie's heart and soul is in the business and she loves to spend quality time with the ones closest to her heart: her husband, children and grandchild. She has used the business as an opportunity to reach out to those around her and also to help others to bring about change in their lives, economically as well as the freedom to create a family life and a quality lifestyle.

Basil is a trained accountant, and for him not going Diamond has never been an option. One of the most invigorating elements of his business and lifestyle is the fact that it is based on his desire to share success and knowledge, not taking into account anyone's nationality, educational level or religious orientation. It simply does not matter to him who you are who you can become, inspires him and Leonie to lend unprecedented personal support.

The Harris' simply love life. Leadership is a natural outflow of their personalities and sharing their success is an outflow of who they inherently are. After creating successful businesses around the world, they know the value of dreaming big, working hard and staying focused. Their message? Go Diamond, it's worth it.


Dewan Wawasan,

Level 4, Menara PGRM

No. 8 Jalan Pudu Ulu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

Friday, 20 Feb 2009

6:00pm -7:00pm Exec. Leaders Club Meeting

7:00pm - 7:30pm Dinner with Guest Speaker & Diamonds

(Qualification: Top 3 PV qualifiers)

7:30pm -10:30pm General Session 1

Saturday, 21 Feb 2009

tba Art to Heart in Pink (S&D LOS only)

3:00pm – 4:00pm Special reception with the Diamonds and above

(Qualification: Feb’09 WLS Challenge qualifiers)

4:00pm-5:00pm Leaders Club Meeting

6:45pm-7:15pm Dinner with Guest Speaker & Diamonds (Qualification: Gold

Ribbons qualifiers)

7:15pm-7:30pm Photo Session with Guest Speaker (Qualification: Feb’09

Challenge qualifiers)

5:30pm-10:15pm General Session 2

Sunday, 22 Feb 2009

10:00am – 11:00am Builders Meeting (Qualification: May’09 1+1 WLS Ticket)

11:30am – 2:00pm General Session 3

3:00pm - 5.30pm Healthpointe Hi - Tea (S&D LOS only) @ Bistro Junction, Sri Cempaka Hotel

SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!! =)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February Goals

Hi winners

yes, we are in the middle of the 15 day lunar new year period, however those people who ARE going Silver, going Platinum, going Emerald ... going Diamond, know that they need to have a goal right now. From the 1st day of the month.

And or the depth team trophy, you need all your core IBOs with a goal card /cc to your upline Emerald/Diamond by the 1st of the month. That earns you points for the competition.

So, let's make it happen: get those goal cards done asap. And have a great Feb.

Looking forward to see more new Silvers and above at Go Diamond, April in Bangkok!

Simon Thompson & Diana Choo
We are Crown Ambassadors Aug 2010
129 Pinggir Zaaba
Taman Tun Dr Ismail
60000 KL
SKYPE ID simonth_my

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